Roots - summary

 The author tells a story about an old woman who is unable to understand the intricacies of Partition. She doesn’t want to leave her house for newly formed Pakistan. She loves her roots and doesn’t want to get cutoff from her roots. She is not ready to leave her land, country and her neighbors and likens this leaving to death.

“Time passed on, but Amma stayed steadfast in her position like a banyan tree that stands upright through storms and blizzards.” These lines tells us how deeply and stubbornly amma wanted to be there. She's also worried that how the new soil would be which she depicts as “Who knows whether the new soil will be conducive to these saplings or make them wilt. These poor saplings.” 

Ammas love and care and her life devoted to us is endless as we can see in these lines " ten images of flesh and blood - ten human beings were born in that hallowed room from that sacred womb". We can see how beautifully a women's womb is personified here.

"She had nursed the crop with her heart's blood through fifty years " these lines would say how much a mother is devoted to her children.

The story also throws a question about nationality. How intimate we're to our country. It also speaks about the partition between muslims and hindus. We can also see the emotional securities running throughout the story. 

Anju sunil


Math dep


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