The beautiful (Aneeta Rajeev, BSc maths, roll no 3723)
I have very much inspired by today's class as we talked about lizzie Velasquez. She had inspired me a lot. Because l was sad about the physical appearance without any reason I used to compare myself to others whether I have the hair her, noise her, etc.. It will be better than with now I have. But realise that without the thing that I feel a defect nobody in a crowd would identify me. And it is identification mark that God give to us. Each person is good in his own way and unique. Nobody In the world is perfect. I personally known one person who have some skin disease from her birth. But she is good artist and she had got appreciated by many of the great personality and today our place is known in her name with whom people feel comfortable to sit beside. That defect make her unique. The most beautiful thing about the person isn't the look but heart and personality. Everybody has their own beauty. The time we feel our is when we see a person who less beautiful than us. We have look all around us. We can see many people around how point out our defeat. If one finger to us then the all four fingers will point the person who pointed us. The signs of beautiful person is that they always see beauty in others.
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