By Anjali PV 20umat3731 

India has always been a country with a lot of space to accommodate different cultures, religion, ethnicity and what not . Ismat Chugtai , an author with commendable story telling skills succeeded in keeping the reader on the edge through each and every line . The protagonist here is “Amma” , a strong willed lady with a lot of love and respect for everyone around her and so is the other way . The story takes wonderful twirls and turns ..good enough to make a grown man cry by the end . Memories hold invisible souls, is something that Chugtais ink conveyed to me . 

In fact, Ismat Chugtais words spoke volumes throught the story, one could easily identify that she has a good way with her words .


1.“India was operated upon by such clumsy hands and blunt knifes …..’

Here the Britishers are her bait for satire , a rather painful one of course. Their clumsiness with the power they possessed and dragging a country to ruins and riots . Rifles and riots everywhere “A country that ran out of love and brotherhood . 

2.“Untouched by politics ,Amma and Chachi would talk of spices ….’

A line simple enough to give a solid idea of how close both the families were , this line was put in a jumbled way to convey a rather simple meaning . 

3.“ The house on the other side seemed as far removed as a fleeting cloud ….”

Here Chugtai uses similie ,the pain , the guilt , the anger all the powerful emotions shrinks ..this line conveys a parting pain way beyond words could explain . The similie is artistic and peaceful . 

4.“ She had nursed the crops with her hearts blood …’

Ammas whole life burning wholeheartedly for her children . Rather her sacrifies ,her wholehearted sacrifices are being highlighted here . 

5.“ But there was no oil in the lamp that day, and the wick had burnt out."

Amma is being told her as a lamp , her hopes are in the dark ,to vague to be seen . Lonliness and pain struck her numb . Everything around her felt lifeless .


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