
                           ISMAT CHUGTAI

‘Roots’ is a short story which shows us how two families who were close to each other but got separated due to the partition of the country. The author has used some literary devices to bring beauty to the story.


"India was operated upon by such clumsy hands and blunt knives that thousands of arteries were left open."

Here India is personified. Author tells that India is ruled by the clumsy hands of Britishers who are brutally killing innocent lives and leaving them wounded. They are hurting them physically and mentally.


"But there was no oil in the lamp that day, and the wick had burnt out."

Imagery of Amma is being told here. It shows us that she is tire,sad,became hopeless and was feeling loneliness. Light in her was fading when all her children and grandchildren left her alone.


"Between these two flags there was a chasm miles wide."

Earlier the two families were very close to each other. But due to the partition of India, the families were separated and didn't took notice of each other.


"She had nursed the crop with her heart's blood through fifty years, and that day it had been exiled from its own land to find a new land."

This shows how she struggled to take care of her children. She sacrificed everything to raise her children and she loves all of them. Took really good care of the children. But that day all her children and grandchildren left her and their home and went to another country.



Bsc. Mathematics



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