Roots /Archana Venu



      Roots a short story written by Ismat Chughtai. It is a fictional take on the impact of the partition on interpersonal relationships, memory as well as the idea of home and community. The narrative , which is seen from the perspective of an aged woman Amma is an insight into how women experienced the partition.


               The story is set in just before the declaration of independence of India and Pakistan. Amma refuses to pack up her belongings and set off for another land. She has emotional connection to where she was born. She is convinced that she should not leave with her family members. At this point , her neighbours , Roopchand and his wife are a source of solace and comfort for her.

          " Time passed on, but Amma stayed steadfast in her position like a banyan tree that stands upright through storms and blizzards." 


        Finally Amma's sons , daughters ,son in laws , daughter in laws and other relatives start to leave the house . But at the last her hindhu neighbour Roopchandji brings back her children from railway station.

      This story is an artful depiction of love and mutual respect.


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