Lives of the 'haves' and 'have-nots' in the times of Corona (THOMASKUTTY MATHEW)
While we are busy tweeting selfies with masks, there is a whole section of society that is forced to go about life as usual devoid of any safety net. It appears, that the privileged are treating this as a break with children thronging play grounds, with little concern about how serious the situation is. Medical personnel who are treating these patients are working like soldiers putting their own lives and families at risk. It is clear that it is people working in the unorganized sector who will not have the resources to defend themselves are therefore the most vulnerable ones(not only in case of virus but also to poverty). They also have little or no social security or economic cushion.
Perhaps this is the right time to consider implementing a Basic Income scheme in India. "HAVES" showing that they have too much will upset the have-nots and sow the seeds of resentment and ignite social tension.
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
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