Coming to subsequent novel by Chetan Bhagat – One Indian Girl which released in October 2017. In this book, Chetan Bhagat has tried to spotlight the difficulty of Feminism and inequality for ladies in Urban India. it's about difference how a male with an equivalent lifestyle and choices are accepted by society while a female doesn’t. One India Girl is that the 9th novel by Chetan Bhagat during which has dared to write down within the person with a female perspective. And it’s worth to read Chetan writing during a female’s voice.
One Indian Girl by Chetan Bhagat deals about a story of Radhika Mehta, an intelligent and successful lady who works at a top Investment Bank. The novel takes a deep check out the issues faced by any employed Indian women altogether walks of life, be it work, society or love. Not only she earns tons of cash but also has an opinion on everything happening round her.
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