Be you | Devichandana.S|SOCIOLOGY

 we all know that our society has some kind of stereotypical aspects of How a gentleman looks like or how to be a good person .They judge and  mark on every human beings  according to some norms. Most of our Indian parents follows these norms to raise their children to show off to the society that he is a good child. so most children are afraid to break these norms how what actually they are. If one person tried to breaks those rules and they figured out what he actually is ,then the society naturally gives names like douchebag , harum - scarum ,arrogant person etc.. like this. So this fear has affects so many peoples to live a life what they actually wants. They  built up their character , looks ,jobs not for them but for the society.

when we started to live according to someone's like we partially died there. There is no value for it . no one is aware about what we wants or like,so we want to show off them from our comfort zone. we want live like what we want according to our wish.Don't think about what others will think about you, we always realize that if you feel happy or satisfied by doing something  that must be your preference then. we only have one life ,so if we live for what others wants from us then who else will live for us? Don't be the man which society wants ,know your worth and become what you wants.


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